The recreation of the Zimbabwean beloved “Neria”, a movie from years past, “Neria 21” premiered some days back on YouTube, according to the film’s makers. The premiere, which was being hosted by Rawsoot Studio, falls on International Women’s Day, a day late.

The remake of Neria, which debuted thirty years ago and brought attention to the widespread problem of women being abused, follows the same idea and premise but has fresh performers.

Innocent Kufakunesu ‘Sarungano’ portrays Jethro, Cordelia Masalethulini plays Jane, Jo-Anne Chidochangu Tenga plays Connie, Oswald Mahwende plays Patrick, and Nesu Madakiwe plays Phineas in Neria 21. Kudzai Chengedza, also known as Mbuya VaPiyasoni, plays the major role of Neria.

Neria 21 executive producer Vimbai Sinchuke stated in an interview with The Herald Arts that the movie was about gender-based violence and the necessity of women’s emancipation.

“Neria was completed by observing the treatment of women. We chose to demonstrate how the pattern still applies to them because it hasn’t altered in terms of social, cultural, or professional contexts,” she stated.

“Though there’s still a lot of ground to cover, things become more similar the more they change. We believe that this remake will alter the course as it is regarded around the world because we have only just begun to scrape the surface.”

Since copyright violations are currently a popular trend, Rawsoot Studios contacted other content creators before filming and followed the correct procedures.

“Firstly MFDI (Media for Development International) granted us rights to do the remake,” stated Vimbai.

“We got music rights from Sheer Sound CC through the family of the late Dr. Oliver Mtukudzi and Albert Nyathi who performed ‘Senzenina’ for the film.”

Brimming with talent from her homeland, Vimbai asserted that only Africans could tell an African story from an African point of view.

“We realized Africans are capable of telling their own stories with a capacity to distribute them,” she continued. “It is time to tell this generation’s version of the classic Neria film.”

According to a few of the main actors in Neria 21, having a role in the movie was a fantastic chance.

Regarding his role as Patrick, Mahwende stated: “I see this movie as a platform to stand up against gender-based violence since I am a man who believes in gender equality.

“It is good for us to keep the legacy that Tsitsi Dangarembga, Dr Oliver Mtukudzi, and the late Patrick left.”

The brother of Neria, Sarungano, said: “It is a great opportunity to start conversations about improving Zimbabwean cinema, offering us a chance to narrow and bridge the gap between our old society and the current generation.”

One of the actors, the late Blessing Nyamukapa, who portrayed Maria, is honored in the film.

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