There are certain topics that need to be talked about more often to raise awareness, and for people to start taking action. One such topic is promoting green energy in Africa and Morocco is one of those discussing this.

According to Mohamed Ouhmed, Director of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency at the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development of Morocco, there is a large number of concrete agreements with other African nations on the energy transition.

He further stated “the cooperation of Morocco in Africa is a strategic interest. Africa also has a great interest in the experience we are making in Morocco, and we have a great presence in other African countries. There are many programs that have helped directly and indirectly to move forward a number of initiatives. They help other African countries promote renewable energy.” He also stated that the projects that Morocco has implemented in the area of wind and solar power have led to an increase in the trust of investors.

Today, there are 40 international companies from more than 13 countries, of course, also from Germany. Companies that are doing business in Morocco and promoting future opportunities in Morocco. Morocco has clear figures as the first point for all investors, a long-term vision which has then been translated into concrete action and projects that are very- regarding the timeline. We are already working on the third round of reforms. In the last few weeks, two acts have, bills have been enacted for investment in renewable energy, and also incentivized, incentivizing young companies, as we want to mobilize capital from the private sector. And the act provides for simplification to make it easier for the area of start-up of renewables. This also means that other states can fulfill their commitments to reducing emissions, and there will also be more transparency”, he explained. He also pointed out the need for the energy grid to be available to more people. He said, “both acts that I just mentioned also will lead to a situation that a certificate of origin will have to be provided by all stakeholders so that we can produce sufficient green energy.

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