Liberia as one of the Countries in Africa is divinely blessed with enormous potential and resources. After the civil war, Liberia invested hugely in Agriculture which resulted in her contribution of over 80% of the West Africn Countries GDP.

It has also been one of the major players in the continent’s food markets which leads to the process of eliminating poverty and creation of employment in the Country. Currently, 68% of the employment in Liberia comes from Agriculture.

Agriculture as an Asset

Agriculture forms a significant portion of the economy of Liberia as an asset and it has largely created impact and contributes towards major continental priorities, such as eradicating poverty and hunger, boosting investments and intra-Africa trade, high increase in industrialization and economic diversification, creating job opportunities, sustainable resources and shared prosperity.

Oil palm and rubber are their main source of their cash crop with over 35,000 and 42,000 tons being produced and exported on an annual basis. Other crop productions in Liberia are Rice, Cocoa, Sugarcane, Cassava, e.t.c

Agriculture: An Aid to Reduce Food Insecurity

Agricultural development is a necessary condition for reducing food insecurity, but it is not sufficient by itself. Agriculture is an indirect factor supporting food security. Since it represents the poorest communities main economic activities, its development provides resources that enable rural inhabitants to ensure surplus food that can cover households and most importantly to generate income so that they can buy foods and other basic goods.

A combination of policies is also needed to curb hunger and malnutrition, to develop agricultural activities, to reduce inequality in health and trade among many others.

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