1 million kilograms of mandarins have been dispatched to communities in Durban and Johannesburg in need of a vitamin C boost by NPO Harvest, a food rescue and hunger relief organization teaming up with the local mandarin brand, ClemenGold International.

Instead of turning this fruit into juice or wasting the fruit, NPO SA Harvest and ClemenGold International have donated this to the cause during the citrus season from May until August.

In a bid to reduce food waste and hunger in the country, SA Harvest drives initiatives to channel surplus food from farms, manufacturers, and retailers to those in need.

Annually, ClemenGold International distributes more than 4 million pieces of citrus to around 160,000 beneficiaries at creches, old age homes, hospitals, schools, and non-profit institutions in areas where nutrition is a daily challenge.

“However, we have limited ability to handle the logistics of such actions, and taking hands with SA Harvest enables us to have an even bigger impact and reach areas beyond our immediate surroundings,” said Adele Ackermann, ClemenGold International’s marketing manager.

Lucille Streecker, who oversees the company’s corporate social investment initiatives said the donated fruit is usually used for fulfilling the company’s juice programs.

“But we’ve long since made the decision to serve our communities in any way possible. While we also have CSI projects in a place with a focus on early childhood development and socio-economic development, donating fruit addresses vital issues such as hunger and health,” she said.

“Donating vitamin C-rich citrus is a logical way of contributing towards helping communities thrive,” said Ackermann.

The first 68 tonnes were just dispatched from the Twypack packhouse in Mbombela to communities in Durban.

“We believe every South African deserves not just access to food but access to nutritious food,” said Alan Browde, CEO and founder of SA Harvest.

“Food-insecure communities often face significant barriers to accessing nutritious food, resulting in issues such as starch excess obesity, malnourishment, and other diet-related health conditions. Through our network of vetted beneficiary organizations, including early childhood development centers, soup kitchens, old age facilities, and community outreach programs, this donation of citrus fruits will directly impact and nourish individuals in these communities who need it most, particularly children.”

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